Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research project - Essay Example The historical context of the UK wine industry will be analyzed in that the people and firms who decided to develop the wine industry in the UK will be focused upon. Factors which were vital in the process of early development in order to continue the production of wine and maintain its success will be looked at. The competition in the market for the wines produced in the UK will be researched. It would be analyzed just how conducive the prevailing climate in various parts of UK are for the growth of grapes and the availability of land. The government policies and rules and regulations with regard to the production of wine in the UK would also be considered. Whether these are supportive to the UK wine industry or not will be highlighted. Research will be conducted to find out the general popularity of wine among British people and whether the popularity is increasing or not. The awareness and knowledge about the British wine in the hospitality industry such as among the restaurants a nd hotels in the UK would also be considered. That is how much restaurants and hotels are ordering British wine from their suppliers and the demand for these by the customers will be looked at. It is also hoped to highlight upon how the hospitality industry can contribute and support the development of wine industry in the UK such as with different ways of advertising and promotion. Finally this project hopes to give an insight about the future of the UK wine industry and in which direction it is heading. The popularity of UK wine is at an all time high. This has prompted some research in this area. Wine, which could be considered as a convenience product is taken by UK people with their daily meals. The wine industry could be defined with reference to enterprises mainly involved in producing wines, brandy sprits and brandy. This enterprise also includes bonded wine cellars who are engaged in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Comparing and contrating selena gomez and miley cyrus Essay Example for Free

Comparing and contrating selena gomez and miley cyrus Essay Hey, pop culture consumers and the world at large, the New York Times wants you to know that there is a distinct difference between Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. In a recent piece by Jon Caramanica, the Times breaks down the professional and personal trajectory between the two rising starlets, comparing their similar beginnings and their increasingly divergent paths. In it, he writes, Of late, Miley Cyrus, 20, and Selena Gomez, who turned 21 on Monday, have each been pushing back in different ways — Ms. Gomez with her role in the film Spring Breakers, and Ms. Cyrus with her sometimes erratic, sometimes free-spirited tabloid life. He then goes to argue the closer that Miley Cyrus artistic output mirrors her personal life, the better she becomes. The word choices used to describe the two pop princesses demonstrate a clear delineation between Cyrus and Gomez. Cyruss process includes feeling out new forms of rebellion, including the touristic appropriation of black culture, while Gomezs is particularly milquetoast. Her newest album, according to Caramanica, is breathy, wide-ranging, largely toothless. Caramanica is right to turn to these two young actresses/idols/musicians as a barometer of the pop cultural world, because they are certainly exemplary of the state of pop culture (and, of course, tabloid culture, as well). Both fulfill reasonable, identifiable, relatable roles for young women. Miley, the rambunctious rebel who is using her music to jettison her identity forward; Selena, a biracial young woman who is poised, graceful, and a friend any young girl would want to have; and even, to extend the comparisons of other young stars — Demi Lovato as the impassioned, slightly tortured diva, and Vanessa Hudgens as the laid-back West Coast bohemian who has eschewed music for film. Yet, for all of their seeming differences, Caramanica neglects to point out the most fascinating thing these two share: their similarities. Miley and Selena are both fervent anti-bullying advocates, loyally devoted to their fans, and welcome all types of listeners. Both of them want the population at large to believe that they are good people, even though they make bad choices — and they encourage their devotees to be kind to one anothereven when they make bad choices, too. Young girls respond to both Miley and Selena because the specific personality traits (which are, according to Caramanica, rebellious and safe, respectively) they sell to us are appealing. Where Miley harnesses an inner rebel, Selena embraces a wholesome good time in a pure, unself-conscious way (unlike, say, Taylor Swift, whose self-effacing hand-wringing is what makes her so popular with adults). Yet, it is their open accessibility and honestness, along with their all-inclusive message, that keeps a younger generation hungry. And having todays former Disney stars feel out their own way while also espousing tolerance and respect — no matter how calculated that way may be — is so much better than being subjected to a child star who insincerely sells the virginal act. The music, it appears, is secondary. (NY Times)

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Controversy Over Music Downloading Essays -- Internet Online Commu

The Controversy Over Music Downloading Imagine you are driving down the road, listening to the radio, and a new song begins to play that catches your attention. You decide, after listening to this song, that you enjoy it, so you listen carefully to the DJ to hear what the name of the song is and whom it is by. When you get home, you log on to your favorite music-downloading site and download the song that you heard earlier in the day. Would you consider yourself stealing and disobeying copyright laws? Many artists believe that people who are downloading their music are stealing from them and they are striving to stop it. On the other hand, many artists and music lovers are happy with the new technology of music downloading. I believe that there is a way to reach a happy medium in-between these two groups to solve this problem. With a few website modifications, along with some minor changes in the music world, we will be able to leave this problem behind us. Thanks to today’s technologies, music can be compacted into MP3s and sent all across the Internet. MP3s use about a tenth of the memory that CD format does. This makes MP3s extremely popular on the Internet. Being of a small size, downloading speeds are faster, and hard drives can store ten times the amount of songs it previously could. Digital music is also popular because of its perfect reproducibility. Analog music can be copied, but the more copies you make, the worse the quality gets. Unlike analog music, digital music can be copied over and over again. Digital music, such as CDs and MP3s are made up of bits, which are 1s and 0s. You can infinitely copy 1s and 0s correctly, but imagine trying to copy something like the graph of ... ...ter the search of a song will be one to take you directly to the artist’s website. This will allow users to find out more about the artist. While on the website, a fan could find out that a band or artist is coming to a city near them, and they could buy tickets to the show, or just find some merchandise that they like. This would profit the artist who was complaining about having their music stolen from them. Although the opinions vary of the existence of free music, one thing is for sure; something needs to be done about it. Going around suing and having the government attempt to shut down technological advances is not the way to handle this problem. I believe that my solution, may not be the greatest, but it is a step in the right direction. The Internet is a powerful tool and each artist should be able to use it how it best suits them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Safety Program Development

Effective evaluation of the safety program. Increase employers and employees' involvement in worksheet hazard assessment and control by 25%. Reduce accident rate by 25% Pages Appendix 01 â€Å"Safety & health program responsibilities† Appendix 02 â€Å"Job Safety Analysis OSHA)† 12 Appendix 03 â€Å"Sample form for correction tracking† 15 Appendix 04 â€Å"Rout cause analysis† 18 I. Chapter 01 : Management & Employee involvement The overall safety in a workplace is a responsibility of both the employers and employees. The employers need to work together with their employees toward safety improvements.Management must encourage employees' involvement in improving safety. Employees need to inform and communicate with management to what is needed to be done to improve safety. L. A. Being a visible management and taking charge Management must prove their commitment and detection toward achieving a safer environment for their workers. Management musts make thems elves visible by being out there in the working area inspecting how to improve safety. Getting where you can be seen: Be visible when taking parts in any operation in order to be more aware of the working environment and the employees.This way the workers feel appreciated and aware of management good intentions for improving safety. This method can be done formally or informally depending on management participation levels. 0 Being Accessible: Employees need to have chances to communicate to management when necessary without going through complicated procedures. The employers must give the employees an easy two way communication process for reporting situations, comments or any work related issue regarding safety. Sacrificing or cutting authority to obtain accessibility between management and workers is not necessary.Adequate accessibility is as simple as having an open door policy or skipping large formal meeting. Being an example: When rules and regulation are issue management sho uld be the first to follow it showing the workers their participation and dedication. Rules must apply to everyone in the workplace with no exception. Following rules can be as simple as wearing safety equipment, such as, safety glasses. Taking charge: Management must be clear on what is required by their workers. Rules, regulations and polices must be officially stated and written in a clear easy to understand language.In addition, rules and regulation must be enforced with no exception. Management must follow on safety processes and make sure that individuals are performing their responsibilities. Management must not neglect employee involvement regarding safety issues. Workers are the first to be exposed to potential hazards. Workers are the ones who understand what must be done to reduce hazards associate with working procedures. Management need to encourage and increase worker precipitations, making them more aware of their safety roles and expectations.Employees can help manag ement in safety issues by: Participating in Joint labor-management committees and other advisory or specific purpose committees. Conducting site inspections. Analyzing routine hazards in each step of a Job and/or a process and preparing safe work practices or controls or eliminate or reduce exposure. Developing and revising the site safety and health rules. Providing program and presentations at safety and health meetings. Training of both current and newly haired employees. Conducting accident or incident investigations.Management can increase employees' precipitation in safety by: Showing workers management's detection to make the workplace safer and healthier. Adequate leadership from management that leads to employees' commitment. Management must not refuse any worker involvement; get as many help as you can. Reward and recognize workers for their efforts and accomplishments in achieving safety or following rules. Be clear on want you need workers to do (good communication). Giv e workers the resources necessary to perform the Job with the adequate training. Show your seriousness in their work toward safety.II. Chapter 02: Supervision and responsibility to the safety program All personal and acknowledge and understand their responsibilities toward safety. The employer has a responsibility to his/her workers, making sure that they are not exposed to any potential hazards and work in a safe environment. In addition, employers must clearly communicate with workers about their responsibilities toward safety, making ere that no confusion occurs. II. A. Reviewing existing organization Management must understand and be well inform of each individual safety roles in the workplace.Employees' roles in any safety and health program can be identified by using a specific worksheet (Appendix OLL- Page 04). Organizational structure and Job titles vary from one company to the next, but they include general assignments of health responsibilities. Some examples Job titles an d job decryption include: President/owner/site manager: Establish policies – provide leadership & resources – set objectives – assign susceptibilities – hold people accountable – interact with employees – set a good example – review accident reports – provide medical programs – establish safety training programs.Safety and health director/coordinator: Maintain safety & health – familiar with safety laws – aware of all presented hazards and their preventions – evaluation of the workplace' safety – design control & preventive procedures – assist & support supervisors & employees regarding safety – communicate safety rules – review hazard reports – evaluate emergency drills. Plant superintendents/division managers/directors:Provide leadership – maintain accountability – follow up on employees' suggestions analyze the facility for potential hazards  œ follow up on periodic hazards analysis encourage reporting hazards by employees – provide the necessary PEP (Personal Protective Equipment) – maintain safety meetings – help develop emergency procedures. Supervisors: Evaluate worker's performances – encourage precipitation in safety and health programs follow up on preventive maintenance – investigate accidents – discourage short cuts follow safety rules – familiarize everyone with emergency procedures. Employees' responsibilities:Understand all safety rules – responsible for your safety and the safety of other employees – offer safety and health suggestions – get involve in safety – be aware of your responsibilities in an emergency – know where the first aid kit is – report all accidents. II. B. Assigning & determining responsibilities Corporate management roles in safety: Management is responsible to their employees for providing a working area free of any recognized hazards that can causes injury or death. Managements must establish specific goals and objectives that aim to reduce injuries caused by specific unsafe behaviors.Any safety and health program will not be able to go very far without management support. Management must hold employees accountable for their actions. This can be done by rewarding workers for following safety and taking the necessary disciplinary action when they fail to follow safety rules. Management need to obtain constant feedback for determining the effectiveness of the safety program. In addition, management must get involve in the safety program, through attention to workers, precipitation in investigations and following safety rules. The facility manager roles in safety:The facility manager must acknowledge his or her responsibilities to maintain adequate house keeping, establishing safe working procedures and making sure that employees follow them. The shape and physical condition of the facility also plays an important role in achieving safety. The facility manager must make sure that everything is in good condition, taking employees suggestions into active consideration. Workers must obtain adequate training in using PEP and machines operations. Also, the facility manger must educate the employees about the areas' safety rules and polices, making sure that they are followed correctly.The facility manager is accountable to both upper management and his or her employees. The facility mangers must also have significant involvement in communications, obtaining feedback and performing tours around the working area (formal & informal) making any necessary corrections. First line supervisor roles in safety and health: The first line supervisor has more specific goals and objectives compare to other managers. The first line supervisor has various roles regarding safety, since he or she is in first contact with the employees.He or she need to set the necessary standard or achieving safety through good housekeeping and desired safety conditions. The first line supervisor must determine the employees understanding and practice of safety rules and regulation in the work area. Effective safety training of employees and continuous observation from the first line supervisor is essential. Employees' level of safety awareness can be increased by: Setting specific working standards and following them through. Employees' precipitation in safety meeting with their superiors. Following up on safety inspection and making all the necessary corrections.Management recognizes employees' outstanding achievements toward safety. Supervisors must sincerely listen to employees' complaints and suggestions. The employer must provide an adequate Hazard (Hazard Communication Standers) to his or her employees. Information on all the chemicals in the workplace must be easily accessible to workers in case of an emergency. In addition, proper training for chemical handling, s torage and transportation is necessary as part of an ongoing process. Ill. A. Chemical overview, communication standards & hazards Chemical overview: Chemicals can be either in a solid, liquid or gaseous state.Chemicals can be found in drums, tanks, pressure vessels and process systems. Responses to spills or exposure depend on the chemical properties. Material Safety Data Sheets (MASS) and labels on the chemical containers are essential for determining how workers must respond. Hazard communication standards: Chemical handling requires adequate training before any initiations are taken. The training and education must include the following: Knowledge about Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Knowledge on all chemicals in the workplace and hazards associate with them.Informing workers of the facility written plan to deal with chemical hazards. How to use MASS and labels. How can workers protect themselves and others. Hazards: Physical Hazards: Physical haza rds includes, a sudden violent reaction involving flammable, explosive or reactive materials. Proper handling is the key to deal with physical hazards. Information from MASS can be obtained about storing, mixing or moving chemicals. Physical hazards can be identified as: Oxidized Water reactive Organic peroxide Combustible Health Hazards: Chemicals can cause adverse health effects if workers became over exposed.There are two types of health effects: Acute health effects: occurs over short periods of time due to immediate exposure, they can be minor or serious. Some examples include burning or irritation. Chronic health effects: occurs over long periods of time due to prolong exposure in small amounts. Some examples include cancer, liver disease or lead poisoning. Ill. B. Exposure limits, controlling exposure & Safety on the Job Exposure limits: Exposure limits are governmental standards indicating when overexposure occurs. PEEL – Permissible Exposure Limit: Must not be exceed ed, over an our average rookery.TTL – Threshold Limit Value: Must not be exceeded, over an our average workday. STEEL – Short-Term Exposure Limit: can be safety exposed to over 1 5-minute period. IDLE – Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health: very hazardous, must not be exposed to. Controlling exposures: There are several methods used to control exposures to chemicals. Engineering controls can be use to keep exposures below PEEL and TTL levels. Also, maintaining adequate ventilation system can reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals. When exposure can not be avoided, using proper PEP depending on the chemical is essential.PEP are used to prevent exposure through skin absorption, inhalation, ingestion and injection. Chemical safety on the Job: Identify all chemical hazards in the workplace. Know how to deal with chemical in both regular and emergency operations. Treat unknown chemical as hazardous ones. Make sure to use the appropriate PEP by looking at MASS. Ins pect your PEP before and after use. Know the workplace emergency procedures. Know location of emergency showers, first aid kits, fire extinguishers and eyewash. Always secure the exposed area and ask for help. Maintain good hygiene to prevent outside exposures. IV. Chapter 04: Lockout / DugoutThere are energies in the workplace that might be accidentally released and cause serious injuries or death. The employers, with the proper training of workers, must prevent the accidental release of these hazardous energies. This can be achieved through using lockout/dugouts. ‘V. A. What is lockout/dugout & when they must be perform What is lockout/dugout? Lockouts: The employer places a lock on any energy isolating device, making sure it cannot be removed from the closed position. Such devices include circuit breaker or valve handle. Dugout: The employer attaches a written note (warring tag) on the equipment or device that

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

German Expressionism

German Expressionism: â€Å"Nonstarter† vs.. â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari† German expressionism is a movement that started post World War 1, and before the Second World War. It used a unique technique of shadowing and distinctive camera angles. The films during the movement told stories that mimicked the forbidding reality of the German's life. For example, in â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari,† the set design was painted to get the specific diagonals and claustrophobic atmosphere.Throughout the film, the viewer almost experiences the madness that is happening on the set. The music pushes down on your brain, creating a feeling of uneasiness. The monotone music combined with the asymmetrical diagonals represent the mindset of Francis, who is in the insane asylum. The overall film presents a horror-like impression. The film â€Å"Nonstarter† also falls into the category of German Expressionism.However, it is more sped-up and includes several montages, especially during the scene with Count Oarlock. â€Å"Nonstarter† like, â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari† takes on similar traits of darkness and delusion. The directors partaking in such a movement often used it as a cry for help, considering the after math of WWW for Germany. â€Å"Nonstarter† uses any shadowing techniques; personally, I think they symbolize the issues the society was going through with humiliation and disease.Count Oarlock, throughout the beginning of the film was only seen in shadows, and the first time the viewer sees Oarlock is the first time Hotter encounters him at gate of the mansion. Oarlock plays the part as the cursed vampire well; it adds the finishing detail to the film of German Expressionism. â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari† and â€Å"Nonstarter† take on a deeper meaning than what is shown on the screen. They include a lot if inner thoughts and emotions that can allude to the general public of Germany at the t ime.